The ABA Worker's Union

Alex Profile Picture



Announcement: Next General Meeting 03.08 @ 4:00 PM EST.


Our third general meeting is on Saturday, 03.08.25, at 4:00 PM EST. If you'd like to be sent a link, join the Signal Chat to stay connected, or hit the "join" button on the top right to keep in touch via email.


Here's our agenda for today's meeting - reviewing last week's content + continuing organizing:

  • Organizing Updates & Troubleshooting
  • Union Basics: what's a union, how does one form one, and how do they work?
  • Roundtable Discussion + Q&A
  • Presentation slides for today: 03.08.25 Slides


Looking forward to seeing you there!

Alex Profile Picture



We had our first educational session on Union Organizing 101. Folks came with action in mind - we discussed the basics of organizing and addressed the following content areas:

👉 The slides can be accessed here.

  • What is a union?
  • How to organize a union?
  • What can a Union Win with guest presenters with the AFSCME and SEIU
  • BST! We're behavior analysts, so of course we practiced having organizing conversations in role-play format

We concluded by creating organization-specific signal groups and action steps for organizing at ABA companies, large and small! Join our national organizing Signal group for more information and to stay connected.



Alex Profile Picture



Announcement: Next General Meeting 03.01 @ 4:00 PM EST.


Our second general meeting is on Saturday, 03.01.25, at 4:00 PM EST. If you'd like to be sent a link, join the Signal Chat to stay connected, or hit the "join" button on the top right to keep in touch via email.


Our Agenda was created at the last general meeting:

  • Organizing Updates & Troubleshooting
  • Union Basics: what's a union, how does one form one, and how do they work?
  • Roundtable Discussion + Q&A


Looking forward to seeing you there!

Alex Profile Picture



The ABA Worker's Union held its first general meeting today.


We aim to establish a union for all workers in Applied Behavior Analysis. Workers from Florida, Oregon, California, Oregon, and New Jersey met to discuss the current state of the field, discuss past and current unionization efforts in the field, and make a plan for future meetings and workgroups.


In future meetings, we'll discuss creating a technician/paraprofessional/RBT workgroup, a BCaBA workgroup, a BCBA workgroup, and a coordinating committee to unify the effort across all three certification tiers in ABA. We are coordinating a social media push across platforms to reach out to more workers and continue to gather and answer questions about unionization efforts in this field.


We need your help. As we continue to grow, each worker that enters the fold increases our ability to connect with more workers and build a network of resilient organizers dedicated to changing the playing field for all workers in Applied Behavior Analysis.


Your voice matters. Your vote matters. Your union, for all ABA workers!

Alex Profile Picture



Reminder: General Meeting 02.02 @ 2:30 PM EST.


Hey! Our first general meeting is tomorrow (02.02.25) at 2:30 PM. If you'd like to be sent a link, join the Signal Chat to stay connected or hit the "join" button on the top right to stay in touch via email.

Alex Profile Picture



Unions have fought for real gains for workers.

They won us the 8-hour workday and the weekend and kept children in schools and out of the mines and the fields.

Modern unions fight to protect members from deportation, advocate for teachers who recognize their student's gender expression, and protect nurses from pathogens by giving them adequate staffing ratios and PPE in hospitals.

Our collective power as workers can protect us from the worst of capitalism and give us the power to fight against authoritarianism.

We can strike in solidarity with teachers, nurses, and therapists to demand change.

We can bargain with employers to ensure our voices are heard and our needs are met.

The future of ABA is on the line. If we want to continue to change the world with behavior analysis, we need to change the world for behavior analysts.